Monday 12 February 2024

Super Bowl 58 → (2522 - 2110) = 412, [25, 97, 509] → 412 + (97) = (509)

  • The final score to Super Bowl 58 was [25 to 22].
  • The 25th prime number is 97:

  • The 22nd prime number is 79:

  • 79 is the reflection of 97.
  • The 97th prime number is 509.
  • The 79th prime number is 401.

(509 + 401) = 910

  • Super Bowl 58 took place on Feb. 11 (2/11).
  • During a non-leap  year, the dates Feb. 11 (2/11) and Sept 10th (9/10) are 211 days apart:

  • 9:10 pm, is 21:10 on the 24 hour clock.
  • The final score to Super Bowl 58 was (25-22).

2522 - 2110 = (412)

  • The winning score was 25.
  • The 25th prime number is 97.
  • The 97th prime number is 509.

  • (412) is the number to which 97 must be added to reach 509:

412 + (97) = (509)

  • The total points scored = 25 + 22 = 47.
  • 211 is the 47th prime number.

  • From 9/10/'23 to 2/11/'24 is (365 - 211) = 154 days.
  • 154 - 97 = 57.
  • Recall that the 22nd prime number is 79.
  • 57 is the number to which 22 must be added to reach 79:

57 + (22) = (79)

Sunday 12 February 2023

Super Bowl 57: (35, 38), (114) + 11 = (125)

  • The final score to Super Bowl 57 was 38-35.
  • Recall the significance of the number 11 to the final score of Super Bowl 56.
  • The final score to Super Bowl 56 was 23-20.
  • 23:20 military time is 11:20 on the 12-hour clock.
  • The 11th prime number is 31.

  • 20 is the number to which 11 must be added to reach 31.

20 + (11) = (31)

  • The final score to Super Bowl 57 was 38-35.
  • The 35th prime number is 149.

  • The 38th prime number is 163.

  • 114 is the number to which 35 must be added to reach 149:

114 + (35) = (149)

  • 125 is the number to which 38 must be added to reach 163:

125 + (38) = (163)

Adding 11 to 114 equals 125:

114 + (11) = 125

  • The winning score to Super Bowl 56 was 23 points.
  • The 23rd prime number is 83, the reflection of 38.
  • Subtracting 31 from 114 is equal to 83:

114 - (31) = 83

  • Merging 38 and 83 forms 383, the 76th prime number.

  • Subtracting 76 from 114 equals 38, which is the winning score to Super Bowl 57.

114 - (76) = 38

  • The final score to Super Bowl 57 is also synchronised with the FTX and Genesis bankruptcies.
  • FTX = 50 (Ordinal)
  • Genesis = 78 (Ordinal)

  • 35 + (50) + (78) = 163, the 38th prime number.

Saturday 21 January 2023

FTX & Genesis Bankruptcy


  • On January 19, 2023 Genesis Trading filed for bankruptcy after suffering crippling losses from the collapse of FTX.
  • FTX filed for bankruptcy on November 11, 2022.
  • The two dates are synchronistic with some of the largest recent single-day Dow point changes.

  • November 11, 2022 and January 19, 2023 are 69 days apart.

  • 'FTX' = 50 (ordinal)

  • 'Genesis' = 78 (ordinal)

  • The 50th prime number is 229.
  • The 229th prime number is 1447.

  • The 78th prime number is 397.

  • The 69th prime number is 347.

  • The largest single-day point gain in the Dow's history was 2113 points on March 24, 2020.
  • 2113 is the 319th prime number.

  • 319 is the number to which 78 must be added to reach 397.

319 + (78) + (397)

  • The largest single-day point gain in 2022 was 1201 points.
  • The second largest single-day point gain in 2022 was 932 points.

1201 - 932 = (269)

  • January 19 can be written 19/1.
  • 'Genesis' = 78 (ordinal)

191 + 78 = (269)

(269) + 397 = (666)

2113 - 1447 = (666)

347 + 50 = 397

347 + 319 = (666)

  • 179 is the number to which 50 must be added to reach 229: (229 - 50) = 179.
  • The 179th prime number is 1063.
  • A day after the 932 point gain, the Dow lost 1063 points.

1063 - 397 = (666)

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Largest 2022 Point Changes & FTX Bankruptcy

The FTX bankruptcy which occurred on November 11 is synchronistic with the Dow's largest single-day point changes in 2022.

Recall the significance of the number-prime relationship [264, 1693] to each large point change that has occurred since early 2018.

  • Using ordinal, FTX = 50.

  • The 50th prime number is 229.

  • The largest point gain (1201 points) in 2022 occurred on November 10th, a day before the FTX bankruptcy.
  • The largest point loss in 2022 was 1276 points on September 13.
  • The difference between the largest point loss (1276) and the largest point gain (1201) in 2022 is 75:

1276 - 1201 = 75

  • The 75th prime number is 379.

  • 304 is the number to which 75 must be added to reach 379.

304 + (75) = (379)

  • Adding 75 to 229 equals 304:

229 + (75) = (304)

  • The 2nd largest point drop in 2022 was 1165 points on May 18.
  • The 3rd largest point drop in 2022 was 1063 points on May 5.
  • The 2nd and 3rd largest point drops in 2022 occurred 13 days apart.

  • The 13th prime number is 41.
  • The 41st prime number is 179.
  • The 179th prime number is 1063.

  • Recall the 50th prime number is 229.
  • 179 is the number to which 50 must be added to reach 229.

179 + (50) = (229)

  • 2:29 is 14:29 on the 24 hour clock.
  • Recall the significance of the number-prime relationship [264, 1693] to each large point change that has occurred since early 2018.
  • 1429 is the number to which 264 must be added to reach 1693:

1429 + (264) = (1693)

  • Adding 264 to 1165 is equal to 1429:

1165 + (264) = (1429)

  • From the 1063 point drop to the FTX bankruptcy is 190 days.  (Remember that 1063 is the 179th prime number and 179 is the number to which 50 must be added to reach 229.)
  • The 190th prime number is 1151:

  • Adding 50 to 1151 is equal to 1201. (Remember that 1201 was the largest point gain in 2022 and occurred a day before the FTX bankruptcy.)

Reverse ordinal reverses the alphabetical order:

  • Using reverse ordinal, FTX = 31:

  • The FTX bankruptcy occurred on November 11.
  • 31 is the 11th prime number.
  • 31 squared equals 961.
  • 961 is the number to which 190 must be added to reach 1151.

961 + (190) = (1151)


•The largest point gain in 2022 was 1201 points on 11/10.

•The second largest point gain in 2022 was 932 points on 9/13.

•A day after the 932 point gain, the Dow lost 1063 points.

•A day after the 1201 point gain, FTX filed for bankruptcy.

•1063 is the 179th prime number.

•'FTX' = 50 (ordinal)

•The 50th prime number is 229.

•179 is the number to which 50 must be added to reach 229.

•179 is the 41st prime number.

•1201 - 1063 = 138.

•138 is the number to which 41 must be added to reach 179.

Monday 19 September 2022

Dow: Largest Daily Point Changes In 2022 (Part 2)

 The Dow had two significant single-day point losses in August and September:

  • August 26   - 1008.38
  • September 13   - 1276.37

These point changes are synchronized with the 62.42 point drop that occurred on June 27 (6/27).  A chain of prime numbers starting with 1453, connects each of the three point drops.

  • On June 27, 2022, the Dow lost 62 points.
  • The 62nd prime number is 293.

  • 231 is the number to which 62 must be added to reach 293:

293 - 62 = 231

  • The 231st prime number is 1453:

  • On August 26 (8/26) the Dow lost 1008 points.
  • 627 + 826 = 1453, the 231st prime number.

  • August 26 can also be written 26/8.
  • The 268th prime number is 1721.

  • On September 13 the Dow lost 1276 points, the largest single day point drop in 2022.

(1276 - 1008) = 268

  • 1453 is the number to which 268 must be added to reach 1721:

1453 + (268) = (1721)

  • The 1276 point drop was the largest single-day change in 2022.  The largest point drop in the Dow's history was 2997 points on March 16, 2020.
  • The 1276 point drop is 1721 points less than the largest single-day point drop in Dow Jones history.

2997 - 1276 = 1721

Consider the two dates, June 27 (6/27) and August 26 (8/26).  Reversing the digits of 826, gives 628, a number formed by joining the first (6) and second (28) perfect numbers.  627 and 628 are consecutive integers.  Reversing the digits of 1453 gives 3541, the 496th prime number.

496 is the third perfect number.

Monday 27 June 2022

Largest Daily Point Changes in 2022 (13, 41, 179)

 The three largest daily point changes in 2022 thus far (rounded to the nearest whole number) are:

  • May 4   + 932
  • May 5   - 1063
  • May 18   - 1165

  • 41 is the 13th prime number.
  • The 41st prime number is 179.

  • 1063 is the 179th prime number.

  • If we continue the prime-chain starting at 13, we get: (13, 41, 179, 1063)
  • The 1063 and 1165 point drops occurred 13 days apart.

  • The 1165 point drop occurred on the 138th day of the year.

  • 138 is the number to which 41 must be added to reach 179:

138 + (41) = (179)

  • The 1063 point drop was preceded by the 932 point gain.

932 + (13 + 41 + 179) = 1165

  • (13 + 41 + 179) = 233, the 13th Fibonacci number and 51st prime number.

  • (182) is the number to which 51 must be added to reach 233.

1165 - 932 = (233)

  • 233 is a divisor of 1165: 1165/5 = 233
  • 233 is a divisor of 932: 932/4 = 233

  • If we average 1063 and 1165 we get 1114:

(1063 + 1165)/2 = 1114

  • Adding (182) to 932 is equal to 1114:

932 + (182) = 1114

Recall the significance of the number-prime relationship [264, 1693] to each large daily point change that has occurred since February 2018.

  • 1165 + (264) = 1429
  • 1429 is the number to which 264 must be added to reach 1694.

1429 + (264) = (1693)


  • The three largest point drops in 2022 were (+ 932) on May 4, (- 1063) on May 5 and (- 1165) on May 18.  
  • The 13th prime number is 41.  
  • Th 41st prime number is 179.  
  • 13 + 41 + 179 = 233, the 13th Fibonacci number.  
  • The 1063 and 1165 point drops occurred 13 days apart.  
  • 233 is a divisor of 932 and 1165.  
  • 932/4 = 233
  • 1165/5 = 233
  • 1165 - 932 = 233
  • 233 is the 13th Fibonacci number and 51st prime number.  
  • 182 is the number to which 51 must be added to reach 233.  
  • Taking the average of 1063 and 1165 gives 1114: (1063 + 1165)/2 = 1114.  
  • 932 + (182) = 1114 
  • 1114 - (51) = 1063
  • 1114 + (51) = 1165

Sunday 13 February 2022

Super Bowl 56: (10, 29), (11, 31) → [(29 + 31) + {23} = {83}]

The consecutive integers 10 and 11, and their prime relationships [(10, 29) and (11, 31)] are significant to the final score of this year's Super Bowl.

  • The final score to Super Bowl 55 was 31-9.
  • 55 is the 10th Fibonacci number.
  • The 10th prime number is 29.

319 + (29) = 348

  • The final score to Super Bowl 56 was 23-20.
  • L.A. scored 23 points.
  • The 23rd prime number is 83.
  • The 83rd prime number is 431.

  • 348 is the number to which 83 must be added to reach 431:

348 + (83) = (431)

  • 29 + 31 = 60
  • 60 is the number to which 23 must be added to reach 83:

60 + (23) = (83)

(Consider also that 23, 29 and 31 are consecutive primes)

  • The total points scored was 23 + 20 = 43.
  • 43 is the 14th prime number.

29 is the number to which 14 must be added to reach 43:

29 + (14) = (43)

  • 23:20 is 11:20 on the twelve-hour clock.
The 11th prime number is 31:

  • 20 is the number to which 11 must be added to reach 31:

20 + (11) = (31)

The 56th prime number is 263:

  • 1120 - 263 = 857.
  • 857 is the 148th prime number.

  • The 43rd prime number is 191.
  • 148 is the number to which 43 must be added to reach 191.

148 + (43) = (191)

  • The largest single-day point gain in the Dow's history was 2113 points on March 24, 2020.
  • The final score to Super Bowl 55 was synchronized with the 2113 point gain.
  • 2113 is the 319th prime number.
  • The final score to Super Bowl 55 was 31-9.
  • Super Bowl 55 took place on the 38th (the reflection of 83) day of the year.
  • The 38th prime is 163.
  • 125 is the number to which 38 must be added to reach 163.
  • Super Bowl 56 took place 691 days after the 2113 point gain.
  • 691 is the 125th prime number.
  • The final score to Super Bowl 56 was 23-20.
  • 2320 - 2113 = 207
  • The 56th prime is 263.
  • 207  is the number to which 56 must be added to reach 263.

207 + (56) = (263)